Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Kumaoni Poem

धन्य हो अन्ना

कभै लै नी भै यस प्रदर्शन ,
इतिहास कथन छु.
जगै दि त्वील भारत क जन,
धन्य हो अन्ना सत सत नमन छु.
देखि अनशन चकरै गे,
संसद में बैठी भद्रजन.
के निभै भ्रष्टाचारैकि चिन्ता ,
कर छी आपस में अनबन
बडि. ताकत ल्ही बेर आ ,
त्त्यर य बार दिनोंक अनशन.
तीनै मांग मानी गई,
कर संसद दिन भर मंथन.
खुशि छन आज भारत क जन ,
देखि लोकपालै कि  किरण.
गांधी ज्यूक अहिंसा क पाठ,
स्वतन्त्र भारत में त्वील पढै दे.
राष्ट्र क मान , भारत छु महान,
सारि दुनि कैं दिखै दे.   

Saturday, August 27, 2011


चौसठ साल है  गैइ ,
आए लै नि भै देर ,
ऐ गैइ जन तिरंग हाथ में ल्ही  ;
ख्वार गाँधी टॉपि पैर  बेर ,
के कारन भै सड्कन यतु भीड़
इतरी भारि के भै य पीड़,
भ्रसटाचारक छु य दानव ,
भगूड हूँ ऐगो धरती में महामानव,
जगै  हालि यैल भारतक जन ,
खिति आपुण ख्वार कफ़न ,
बार दिन बै भूखै फिर लै छन टनटन,
रामलीला मैदान में करण लागि   अनशन
तीन मांग छन सुण लिह्यो तुम विशेष जन
तत्काल खतम कर दयूँ आपुण अनशन
सिटीजन  चार्टर लोकायुक्त अफसरशाही ,
इन तीनो  कै शामिल कर लिह्यो  भाई,
युवराज  आब कुनैइ नि करो अन्ना बबाल
य छु हमरि संसद हमर विधान छु
सामणि वीक  धरून य़स संविधान  छु,
आब  देखन भुलि कसि हैं रफ़्तार ,
काहूँ जां य भ्रस्टाचार  ,

Thursday, August 25, 2011

GandhiVs Anna

सरकार की सब चालें हुई बेकार .
जनलोकपाल बिल के लिए अन्ना ने भरी हुंकार.
रामलीला मैदान से उठाया है सवाल .
सारे देश अन्ना अन्ना हो गयी मच गया धमाल 
डटे रहो अन्ना  डटे रहो साथ में हैं किरण केजरीवाल .
गाँधी जी के साथी वन्केट खोल रहे पुराना पन्ना .
 गाँधी से आगे निकल गए अन्ना .
 कोई कहता कौन है अन्ना कोई कहता गलत है अन्ना .
 धरती में उतर आया ऋषि हैं अन्ना
 लोकपाल की रस्साकस्सी में भरी पड़ते अन्ना .
 दिन से है भूखे जीवन दाव पर लगाये अन्ना  .
 कभी इधर तुम्हारा जनलोकपाल  .
 कभी उधर हमारा मजबूत लोकपाल
 संवेदनशील थे अंग्रेज सुनते गाँधी के सवाल .
 संवेदनहीन हैं भ्रस्टाचार  में लीन हैं ये मचाते बबाल .
 कभी संसद कभी सर्व दल बैठक नए बनते हालचाल .
 है अन्ना जगाया तुमने जन को
 देश उठने लगा सवाल .

Wednesday, August 24, 2011



vejhdk dgrk gS vkt]
Hkkjrh;ks la;e ls djks ckrA
Ekkeyk gS yksdrU= dk]
uhfr gekjh gS fcxjkMA
foDVksfj;k U;wyS.M esMe tks gSa]
izoDrk vejhdh fons”k foHkkxA
dgrh] gekjk gS leZFku]
yksdfgr esa gksrk gS tc izn”kZuA
ekSdk fn;k gLr{ksi djus dk ]
tuyksdiky ds fy, “kkfUriw.kZ vu”kuA
ljdkjh ea=h dg jgs tks”k ls]
xSjokftc gS v..kk rqEgkjk mioklA
dkaxzsl Hkh dgrh CySdesyj gks rqe]
xka/kh ds rjhdksa dk djrs gks ifjgklA
 yM+rk jgwaxk vkf[kjh lkal rd]
 tkuk gS eSus xjhcksa dh lsok gS iwtk]
 lsok ds fy, efUnj  gS ?kj]
 tkap dj ysa] fuokl ugh dksbZ nwtkA
yky fdys dh izkphj ls]
 ih,e mBkrs gSa lokyA
dksbZ enn ugh dj ldrk gS ;s vu”ku]
er djks tuyksdiky dk cckyA
lkoZtfud thou ls ]
Hkz’Vkpkj feVkuk pkgrs gSa geA
,d etcwr yksdiky]
vfLrRp esa ykuk pkgrs gSa geA
v..kk dgrs dHkh xEHkhj u fn[ks]
bl vksj vkids dneA
fxj¶rkj dj frgkM Hkst fn,]
v..kk djus yxs ogha ls vu”kuA
ns[krs gh frgkM ij pkjksa vksj ]
HkhM+ gqbZ tek dne is dneA
Tkuyksdiky Mªk¶V fcy dks]
feyus yxk Hkkjh tu leFkZuA
pkjksa vksj tu ls f?kjk frgkM+]
eSa gwa vUuk] eSa gwa vUuk gksus yxh ngkMA
vu”ku jksdus dh pky gks xbZ csdkj
vc Lo;a vu”ku LFky ltk jgh ljdkjA
o`) ;qod ukStokuksa dh vkbZ gS vka/kh]
frjaxk gkFk fy, dgrs v..kk gSa vkt ds xka/khA
f[kfl;kuh fcYyh gqbZ v:a/krh]
muds Hkh lqfu;s gkyA
t”us fo”odi fdzdsV ls rqyuk dj jgh]
tuyksdiky Hkz’Vkpkj feVkus dk gS lokyA
vgks Nne Lo;alsfo;ks]
detksj djus dh lksprs v..kk dh e”kkyA
;s Hkh v..kk oks Hkh v..kk eSa Hkh v..kk rw Hkh v..kk]
Iwkjc if”pe mRrj nf{k.k lkjk ns”k epk /kekyA
Ckkrphr ds gSa nkj [kqys ]
 Lkc fey cSB djsa  fopkjA
lkoZtfud thou ls]
vc gVkvks Hkz’VkpkjA
                                       izLrqfr&&& gse pUnz tks”kh

Saturday, August 6, 2011

friendship day

; vkt d fnu  vUrjjk’Vªh; nxf³ fnol lc nxf³u dSa eqckjd gksy~ e/kqj lEcU/k ºoky ]ehfB ehfB ckrwu vkuUn tkxksy~ ;fl dkeuk NwA

kul geet

dqy xhr
jktdh; b.Vj dkyst Hkxrksyk
lqUnj vfr lqUnj Ldwy gks esjkA 
fo”kky [kM+k lkSUn;Z Hkjk]
dksSf”kdh unh rV ijA
mRrj esa gS f”koky;]
lksenso :Ik lskes”oj]A
 iwoZ esa gS eka dk vkapy]
dk’kk; nsoh ioZr f”k[kjA
if”pe <ky ij gjs Hkjs c`{kksa chp]
fLFkr Ldwy gS vfr lqUnjA
mRrj ls if”pe cgrh]
lnk uhjk dkSf”kdh djrh dy dyA
lw;Z nso gSa j{kk djrs nf{k.k fn”kk]
fojklr gS gekjh lw;Z efUnj dVkjeyA
dSlk Ldwy gks esjk]
lqUnj vfr lqUnj Ldwy gks esjkA
lqjbZ ibZ;ka nsonk: dh Mky]
i{kh okuj djrs gSa MsjkA
Qwyksa ls egdrk gks vkaxu]
Pkgdrk gks ;gka cky iuA
,slk Ldwy gks esjk]
lqUnj vfr lqUnj Ldwy gks esjkA
eu ds [kksys Hksn lkjs]
ckr u dksbZ Nqius ikos
lc feydj HkkbZ cfgu
vkilh nnZ gS feVkosA
,slk Ldwy gks esjk]
lqUnj vfr lqUnj Ldwy gks esjkA
Mj Hk; dk  rks ugh gks uke]
LosPNk ls lc djrs gks dkeA
f”k{kd ds in Hkjs gks lkjs]
fo|kFkhZ lc Kku fu[kkjsA
Eskgur u gksus ikos fu’Qy]
“kr izfr”kr gks ijh{kkQy
,slk Ldwy gks esjk]
lqUnj vfr lqUnj Ldwy gks esjk A                   

                                            izLrqfr  -------       gsepUnz tks”kh l0 v0


dqy xhr
jktdh; b.Vj dkyst Hkxrksyk
lqUnj vfr lqUnj Ldwy gks esjkA 
fo”kky [kM+k lkSUn;Z Hkjk]
dksSf”kdh unh rV ijA
mRrj esa gS f”koky;]
lksenso :Ik lskes”oj]A
 iwoZ esa gS eka dk vkapy]
dk’kk; nsoh ioZr f”k[kjA
if”pe <ky ij gjs Hkjs c`{kksa chp]
fLFkr Ldwy gS vfr lqUnjA
mRrj ls if”pe cgrh]
lnk uhjk dkSf”kdh djrh dy dyA
lw;Z nso gSa j{kk djrs nf{k.k fn”kk]
fojklr gS gekjh lw;Z efUnj dVkjeyA
dSlk Ldwy gks esjk]
lqUnj vfr lqUnj Ldwy gks esjkA
lqjbZ ibZ;ka nsonk: dh Mky]
i{kh okuj djrs gSa MsjkA
Qwyksa ls egdrk gks vkaxu]
Pkgdrk gks ;gka cky iuA
,slk Ldwy gks esjk]
lqUnj vfr lqUnj Ldwy gks esjkA
eu ds [kksys Hksn lkjs]
ckr u dksbZ Nqius ikos
lc feydj HkkbZ cfgu
vkilh nnZ gS feVkosA
,slk Ldwy gks esjk]
lqUnj vfr lqUnj Ldwy gks esjkA
Mj Hk; dk  rks ugh gks uke]
LosPNk ls lc djrs gks dkeA
f”k{kd ds in Hkjs gks lkjs]
fo|kFkhZ lc Kku fu[kkjsA
Eskgur u gksus ikos fu’Qy]
“kr izfr”kr gks ijh{kkQy
,slk Ldwy gks esjk]
lqUnj vfr lqUnj Ldwy gks esjk A                   

                                            izLrqfr  -------       gsepUnz tks”kh l0 v0

Saturday, July 16, 2011


lqUnj vfr lqUnj Ldwy

dSlk Ldwy gS esjk
lqUnj vfr lqUnj Ldwy gS esjkA
vfr mRlkg Ldwy gS tkrs
Ldwy esa tkdj i<+rs fy[krs vkuUn eukrs
lqUnj vfr lqUnj Ldwy gS esjk
MUMs dk rks vc dksbZ uke uk ysrk
x.kos’k Hkh eq¶r esa Ldwy gS nsrk
cLrs dk gS vc cks> uk Hkkjh
Ldwy ls feyrh ] fdrkcsa lkjh
lqUnj vfr lqUnj Ldwy gS esjk
ns[kks fctyh gS vkbZ
dEI;wVj ls gksrh gS i<+kbZ
lqUnj vfr lqUnj Ldwy gS esjk
nkSM+ nkSM+ dj lcdks Nwrk
jgk u dksbZ vc vNwrk
djrk uk dksbZ HksnHkko gS
vkil esa jgrk lEkHkko gS
fn[krk dksbZ u eueqVko gS
vkil esa jgrk u dksbZ ruko gS
,slk lwUnj Ldwy gS esjk
vfr lqUnj vfr lqUnj Ldwy gS esjk
[kkus dks feyrk nky Hkkr gSS
?kj ls Hkh lwUnj Lokn gS
Ikhus dks feyrk ikuh gS LoPN
vkuUn Kku ls Hkjs gSa d{kk d{k
,slk Ldwy gS esjk
lqUnj vfr lqUnj Ldwy gS esjk
[ksyksa dh gS ckjh vkbZ
[kks [kks dg dj nkSM+ yxkbZ
[ksyksa ls vc ge uk “kjek,sa
jkT; Lrj ij ind gS ge yk,sa
foKku esys esa vc ge tk,sa
iz”kfLr i= ysdj ge vk,sa
lqUnj vfr lqUnj Ldwy gS esjk
jk0 b0 dk0 Hkxrksyk Ldwy gS esjkA
                                                 gsepUnz tks”kh
                                                    l0 v0
                                          jk0 b0dk0 Hkxrksyk vYeksM+k

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Bridging the digital divide

28th February-Monday (a very stimulating day)
Today the team visited GIC Bhagtola. In Bhagtola, in a small gathering of all the teachers and about 30 students, the principal spoke about the MN project. He congratulated the team and the students for their efforts.  Teachers, who has shown active interest in the project congratulated the team and mentioned repeatedly that this project has been an effort towards bridging the digital divide and had been successful to a great extent. He agreed that the students proficiency with technology has enhanced manifold so has their level of awareness. Other teachers and the principal also pointed out that students’ confidence level has also enhanced. Few of the students were also asked to speak. Kailash, Pankaj and Suraj pointed out that the project has broaden their horizon and given them a whole new vision.

The teachers were also extremely happy to hear that Students’ website for Bhagtola has been uploaded and running. The teachers informed us that they have been trying to prepare a school website and upload the same in hindi, for along time- but they were unable to so. They were extremely enthusiastic about the website and said that now they will concentrate on updating the site and adding more content to the site.

The teachers also informed the team that they are seriously thinking of ways of continuing the project in schools. They believe that the mapping component should be tied with environment study or computers etc and continued in school. They also pointed out that they are depending on the senior students (those students who have already been trained) to continue training of the juniors.

The team also demonstrated to the teachers, how raw data can be downloaded from PDA to desktop computer and the basics of processing raw data on the desktop. JT Maps was loaded one PC in the school. The teachers requested the team to give them more detailed training

After the programme, the team discussed with the student’s on various issues. The students submitted a brief history of village Bhagtola, which included the origin of the village, the main occupation of the villagers when the first settled down and chronological order of development in the village. Students from village Darimkhola were asked to do a similar exercise for their village. the students also submitted a book of repository of flora. The students had collected samples (leaves) of about 20 different plant/trees found in and around the villages. Along with a sample leaf (of each flora) they wrote few points on the common usages of each of these species.

At the end on the session, the teachers and the students were given feedback forms that needed to be filled and submitted in the next session. The students were given feedback forms for their parents. The students’ feedback form would be given in the next session.

Thursday, May 5, 2011


All this is That
om  Jai Golu dev my Ista devata as my Guru.
This is That , That is this, from That this comes out.
Taking away this from that, That still remains behind so All this is That.
The lord is the upholder of this universe. He is full of bliss ,consists of eternal & non eternals. The body of Lord is of wisdom, His happiness is Full(perfect).
Vedic chant 
Om Poornmadh ,Poornmidhm………… poornmewowshishyete. explains This:
The lord ,though one , has two aspects one as Atma and the other as antaratma.The lord expriences all the good fruits of karma & not the evil.He is like the cool shade for holy pligrim &he is like burning sun to the sinner.
 The Lord Himself takes up His ressidence in the heart of human body along with the Amta(self). He is the Antaratma(innerself) dwells witiin all beings .He is responsible for all the creation ,distruction &wisdom etc.The Lord is this All. He &His activities are one and not different from Him(The Lord). he who knows Him thus gladly unloosens the bond of Prakriti(ignorance).
The Lord is Great . he who know the highest Lord, becomes great , such as gets something of greatness of the Lord.Lord is the only target to know .Becoming free from darkness(Avidya ) one can attain the highest similarity with the Lord but he does not become highest in the sense of God ,The Lord .he who wants to understand the reality should enter himself, as the arrow enters the target. Realising the Greatness , a person crossover the sea of sorrow and sin. Thus becomes free from the bond of prakriti (ingnorance). he dwells in the presence of the Lord and is seprate from Him.he do not lose his identity in Him nor become one with Him in the Advaita sense.

All religions have one thing is same, that is the basic body of Truth. It is not a matter what you believe or your faith. But the common thing is the Truth in all religions. Where as, the concern of, Vedic religion, it is a religious endeavor, to spiritual illumination. The basic body of truth is called Veda in India .Vedas are the knowledge of truth. The Sanskrit word Ved means knowledge the wisdom to understand the Devine reality.

 What is that one science, one substance by knowing which , everything else is known? Does there exist any science from whose principles, the principles from all other science can deduced? The answer to that is “yes there exists such a science. It is the science of the syllable- Aksara vidhya , as distinguished from the science of the words” .All sciences like the physical ,theological ,spiritual ,occult are summed up in the science of the syllable .the science of the Imperishable Aksara vidhya. But this science is not contained in a particular book. For attaining this, one have to know the vidhya. The science is called vidhya. There are fourteen sources of  vidhya’s,  such as Vedas,the itihasa,purans ,six vedanges,the smrites,mimamsa……..etc.The vidhya have two sciences one is lower science, apara (exoteric ) vidhya & the second is higher  science , para (esoteric) Vidhya. The wise tranquil in heart see the Imperishable as the source of all beings & know Him to be invisible , without genus, caste, species, without eyes and ears without hands and feet eternal, all powerful all pervading ,entering in all, extremely subtle, unchanging cause of all beings.

Akshar vidhya, the science of imperishable by which one can find the super consciousness within him and realizes the inner self. Akshar or aksara is a Sanskrit word, simply means syllable or letter but literally it means imperishable, which never ends ,even when the whole world will go to end . Thus Akshar does not mean the syllable or letter but denotes imperishable & it is beyond the three times present, past &future. Thus the science of Imperishable is that one science “Akshar vidhya ‘’, which will not end and remain as such.
Akshar which is distinguished from syllable or word is the root of everything what we see & imagine in this universe or beyond universe. Akshar vidhya  simply means  the science of syllable, but it is beyond the science of syllable .Akshar vidhya is a science of imperishable. It is a science which is the base of all different methods &techniques developed by rishies (seers) yogis (monks) to realize the super consciousness “The Lord”within their self. The secret of this vidhya is to learn, how to inter into spirit, a field not much known to edify.
What you think, what you do, becomes as such. If you know the mind you may know the one science, after knowing that science you can know the lord. The Supreme, the self whatever you say God or Supreme spirit. The God or Lord lives in the mind, his body is mind but the mind doesn’t know him because he controls the mind by knowing the mind we know the inner controller which is immortal, imperishable. On this Earth many people have not faith in the existence of God but nobody can say or disbelieve in the existence of power or energy. This power or energy is the only target of spiritual seeker it is not a question of existence of God but the essential thing is to transform man through its power or enlightment. To understand the mind we have to meditate, true meditation the mind penetrated into self. In older times Rishies & Yogies made their minds quiet and serine through many techniques developed by them to realize the self and its power. A quiet, tranquil and peaceful mind can experience the joy of self, individualism & realize the blissful experience of NIRVANA. This is understood as AKSHAR VIDHYA. Akshars which are distinguished from syllable or words creates our thoughts, and thoughts create our feelings, one can experience the power of thoughts very easily. The mind is the organ of perception and goes towards wished for objects. Who gives the mind the power of thinking? No one knows him fully and completely in all his aspects and attributes without true meditation or akshara yog.The mind can be controlled through the control of senses the thought can be seen in its origin only when one can realize the self by turning the current of senses inwards from which the knowledge of self is acquired. 

Monday, February 7, 2011

innovative initiative


         Industry Manager Education
         Microsoft innovative Teachers leadership Awards
         C/o ICONS, N214, Greater Kailash
         New Delhi.

Subject – letter of support for Microsoft innovative teacher’s leadership award 2005.

Respected Sir,
                   I want to say that where as the concern letter of support for Microsoft innovative teacher’s leadership award 2005, Mr Joshi my colleague is very efficient and co-operative .He bears a good cordial temperament to handle the pressure during the innovative practice in college. The students were made aware of innovation in education and learning, not only to develop their knowledge but also enhance their skills of information communication technology. They learnt how modern technologies can be coupled with class room teaching. I cite my heartiest wishes to him for selection the award.
 Thanking you,

 Yours faithfully

Girish Chandra Tewari
Lecturer Biology
Govt Inter College Bhagtola
Ph 05962. 242028


         Industry Manager Education
         Microsoft innovative Teachers leadership Awards
         C/o ICONS, N214, Greater Kailash
         New Delhi.

Subject – letter of support for Microsoft innovative teacher’s leadership award 2005.

        Mr. Hem Chandra joshi a teacher of Govt. Inter College Bhagtola told me that he is participating in Microsoft innovative teacher’s leadership award 2005. It is a matter of joy to me that I am writing in support his selection for the contest. He is very efficient, and hard working teacher students love him. The more or less students known about these new technological innovations in education are due to his dignified teaching.
I wish him selection for the contest.   
Thanking you.

                                                                                       Vijay Singh
                                                                                Vil & Post Bhagtola
                                                                              Distt. Almora



         Industry Manager Education
         Microsoft innovative Teachers leadership Awards
         C/o ICONS, N214, Greater Kailash
         New Delhi.

Subject – letter of support for Microsoft innovative teacher’s leadership award 2005.

          I am writing a letter of support for selection of Mr. Hem Chandra joshi as an innovative teacher’s leadership award2005. I want to say that Mr. Hem Chandra joshi science teacher (LT grade) of our school is very hard working, efficient and intellect teacher. His role as an innovative teacher is praising. As a Master trainer of computer he introduced technology based learning in our school, also trained other teachers &office colleagues. He is improving education through computer Aided Learning in class room teaching. His active involvement and guidance children’s are benefiting from the true educational potential of computers.

I wish him success in Microsoft innovative teacher’s leadership award 2005.

                                               Thanking you.

                                                          Nandan Singh Nayal
                                                          Govt. Inter College Bhagtola
                                                          Almora 263601
                                                          Ph off. 05962 242028

Project Submission Template

Section A

Applicant profile

·       Category(Government school)

·        Name: Hem Chandra joshi 
·       Date of birth -05-12-1961
·       Address :
Bye Pass Road
Shail NTD Almora(U.A.)
·        E-mail Id: hemchjoshi@gmail.com

·       School name and address :Govt. Inter college Bhagtola,

·       Teaching focus,-- Science (Biology)

·       Ages taught  09 to16

·        Principal's Name: Mr. Nandan Singh Nayal

·       Contact No.05962 242028

·       Languages familiar with:   English, Hindi, Sanskrit.

Professional Reflections
Section B
How has IT helped students to innovate in your classroom?
The students were made aware of modern technologies. They learnt how modern technologies like computer, digital camera, and printer, scanner used to generate knowledge& learning activities.
IT helped students to explore sources of information other than their text books .To conduct Encarta/Internet research, to design graphics, to create presentations, to conduct learning to use a computer network that searches libraries, research on a topic encourage students to innovate. Developing skills & motivating them to greater learning, enhance skills on computer information technology (ICT).
Question2: How has the use of technology significantly enhanced your class room practice?
 A program ’Environmental Pollution’ power point presentation based on school curriculum researched. Students meet here with modern technology tools like multimedia, moving images, animations, sound & graphics make learning more inspiring. Earlier students are not innovative & not facing interest now with help of technology they became interactive, excited & used to ask questions. Teaching with student multimedia sample presentation class room   practice becomes more interesting & easy learning among students promote, understanding of concepts improved in smalltime.
Question3: Relate your most powerful story where your use of technology in the classroom has yielded a significant outcome with a student or students.
In the beginning when I am showing a multimedia presentation, in the classroom one of my students ask me sir what is multimedia? Can I also create a multimedia presentation .I answered him yes multimedia is a combined use of graphics, text and sound in a presentation. Use of multimedia in learning will enhance your knowledge and creativity. The question that prompted out a significant shift, That use of technology helps students to produces knowledge rather than be passive consumers of knowledge produced by others. The project has excited the student in technological innovations in teaching and learning. The student learns by doing. The knowledge gained through doing is more valuable with long term impact. Through this practical experience of creating projects of their class room exercise students became very inquisitive &excited showing their attitude changing towards learning.
Question 4- How has the use of technology in your professional life changed and enhanced the way you work with your colleagues?
Tools of modern technology make my teaching more inspiring, innovating. Now I use computer as a magic tool for my teaching, e-mail to communicate with my colleagues & share ideas to others.  I use Internet as a source of information, inquiry & collaborative learning. Now it is easy to me to find any information about any topic this enhanced my teaching in a innovative manner. Using technology builds my confidence &skills to deal with new people &situations, feels free to work with different people. The reach and flexibility provided by an array of Project Siksha have added greater sense of purpose to my profession. Today, these are indispensable   for any teacher. 

Dear students,
                        I have already explained you about environmental pollution .Now I want to show a presentation about pollution. AS

The undesirable change in physical, chemical or Biological characteristics of air, water and soil is called pollution. 

 It can be natural and man-made (anthropogenic).

In simple terms pollution can be seen as the wrong Substance in wrong place in the wrong quantities at the wrong time.



Ø Pollution causing agent is known as Pollutant.

Ø Pollutants are substances that adversely change the environment.

Ø Pollutant is a substance - (e.g. fly, ash, soot),

Ø  Pollutant is a chemical (e.g. ozone, nitrogen oxides) or

Ø Pollutant is a Factor (e.g. radiation, noise, heat) which has the potentiality to harmfully affect human life.

Ø Pollutants are mainly of two types.

Ø Primary Pollutant. It is a pollutant that persists in the form in which it is released in the environment e.g. glass, plastic, DDT  and carbon monoxide.

Ø Secondary Pollutant. A Secondary Pollutant is the one ,which is formed from another pollutant due to change or reaction. Such as ozone, aldehyde, peroxyacyl nitrate (PAN) are Secondary pollutant.

Ø AS a result of over population, industrialization and other human       activities like mining ,agriculture, deforestation ,etc .earth has become loaded with diverse pollutants.

Classification of pollutants

Ø  Pollutants are of two main types:

Ø  Biodegradable pollutants. the pollutants, which are broken down the activity of micro organisms and enter into the biogeo chemical cycle are known as biodegradable pollutants .they acts as pollutants only when their quantity is large and they are not degraded at right time

Ø  For example-urine, faecal matter, sewage, paper, wood ,cloth ,agricultural waste ,domestic waste products etc.

Ø  Non-Biodegradable pollutants. the pollutants ,which are not broken down by the activity of micro-organisms and do not enter into the biogeochemical cycle are known as non-biodegradable pollutants .these pollutants may be in solid, liquid or gaseous state they may enter in the food chain and harm the organism.

Ø  For example- insecticides, pesticides, herbicides, like DDT, BHC metals like mercury, lead arsenic aluminum, plastic, radioactive waste, etc.

Types of pollution

Ø Air pollution

Ø Water pollution

Ø Soil pollution

Ø Radioactive pollution

Ø Noise pollution

Air pollution

Ø  When pollutants are present in atmosphere air is pollute known as air pollution . The pollutants change contents of air.

Ø   whenever there is any imbalance in the ratio of atmospheric gases air pollution is caused.

Ø  Natural pollution. it is caused by natural  phenomena like pollen grains ,spores, dust particle, marsh gas ,volcanoes, landslides, soil erosion, forest fires ,ultra-violet radiations, etc.

Ø  Man-made pollution .it is pollution caused by human activities like automobiles ,industries, smoking, pesticides ,fertilisers, etc. man-made pollution is often quite small in quantity as compared to natural pollution .even then man-made pollution is more harmful due to its construction in small area like industrial or residential complex

Sources of air pollution

Ø  Combustion of fossil fuels in homes ,factories and thermal plants produces both solid and gaseous pollutants .the particulate mineral matter being released during combustion is called fly ash .soot is carbonaceous substance formed due to the incomplete combustion of carbohydrates pollutants gases include CO,CO2,SO2,SO3NO,NO2,NH3etc.

Ø  Automobile and aircrafts. In cities, automobiles   are the biggest source of air pollution, 80%of all .

Ø  Automobiles release13.7%of unburnt hydrocarbons, 77.2%nitrogen oxide and smaller amounts of so2, NH3and lead. The major source of lead pollution is also leaded petrol having tetraethyl lead and tetraethyl lead.

Environmental Pollution
Grades:  8to10
Curriculum Connections: Science (Biology)
Standards Connections: Uttaranchal Education Board syllabus/ standards.
Content Standard: Environmental Science/Problem of the Environmental Pollution, its sources, effect on health, control devices, environmental influence local atmosphere.
Required Software:  Microsoft Word; Microsoft PowerPoint, Microsoft Internet Explorer; Microsoft Paint.
What’s in this Lesson?
 Environmental Pollution,    (student sample presentation)
 Student Activity, Step-by-Step:
 Step A:  environmental Pollution, causes, Effects & control)
Step B: To make out lines and their rough ideas about the project
Step C Making project Presentation
Step D: Showing presentation as Teacher Guide

Now a day’s pollution is a big problem of whole world. This is effecting to our environmental system due to which the survival of living being is in danger. In this project we meant to give knowledge to our students about the environmental pollution, its sources control and effects on human and other living beings.

·      To introduce and aware students modern technologies.
·         To provide an opportunity for students to computer aided learning.
·        Augment knowledge base through practical experience
·        To show students how to research a  topic using electronic resources such as Microsoft  Encyclopedia  standard  international and the Internet, reinforce students' research and study skills, and build students' communications skills.
·        The goal is to guide and give knowledge to   students about environmental problems.
·         Pollution. Its sources, effects and control of pollution.
·        To stimulate student interest in topics related to environmental Pollution, its   problems and their   effects,
·        To encourage students to look at problems that can be analyzed to answer questions.

Prerequisite Skills:
·         Introduction to PowerPoint, Excel
·         Previous experience using Paint.
·         Basic Microsoft Word skills
·        The concept of Internet
Time Allotted:
·         Ten to twelve  class periods
How to Begin:
         1-   Start with a class discussion on environmental pollution       showing them the   Multimedia sample presentation.
          2-Distributed the project into different topics in parts among groups.
        3. Discussion between groups about their work and collected material
        4. Make out line of the proposed project and note rough ideas about it.
        5. From the list of websites to search &browse for internet, Encarta.    
        6- To make a list for requirements.
        7- Start the work on the M.S. Paint, M.S .Word, M.S. Power point,
             Internet Explorer.
Student Activity
    • In this activity, you'll see a power point presentation on topic Environmental pollution & research the topic through Encarta/internet. You'll communicate what you find in your research to each group of students working on project.

      Step A environmental Pollution, causes, Effects & control

Software: Microsoft Encarta Encyclopedia, Microsoft Word, Microsoft Power point.
What to do:
1.     Open power point presentation on topic Environmental pollution, now begun exploring the Environmental pollution through the Encarta Encyclopedia.
2.      Begin an outline on Environmental pollution. Launch Word, save your graphics, notes sound   copied from Encarta in the folder Environmental pollution set up for this project.
3.     launch power point start making project on given topic

Step B
locating Resources

Software: Microsoft Encarta Encyclopedia, Microsoft Word, and Microsoft Internet Explorer

What to do:
 Search the Encarta for notes, graphics / internet for web sites that will serve as resources for your project, save URLs to the Favorites found on the Internet Explorer toolbar for later use, work as a team.
Step C
Shape your search
Software: Microsoft power point, Encarta, Microsoft Word, and Microsoft Internet Explorer
what to do:
 1-Create an out line of your presentation
 2- Enhance your presentation with adding graphics from Encarta /internet,
Insert music clip arts.
3-When your presentation is done, select check for Grammar.
Step D
Shows your presentation:
Microsoft power point .word
what to do:
1.       Show, save your presentation in different formats for retrieval and publish site. 


1.    What do you mean by pollution?

A.  Pollutant absent
B.  Pollutants present
C.  Atmosphere
D.  Weather

2.    How many types of pollution?

A.  Five types of             pollution
B.  Tow types of   pollution
C.  There is no any type of pollution
D.  Only one type of pollution

3.    What do you mean by air pollution?

A.  Pollutants are in water
B.  Fresh air in atmosphere
C.  Pollutants are present in air
D.  Pollutants are in soil

4.    What are the sources of air pollution?

A.   Oil

B.  Water
C.  Motor vehicles
D.  Bluckcarts

5.    What effects on human body?

A.  No effects
B.  Causes diseases
C.  No diseases
D.  Good health

6.    What do you mean by water pollution?

A.  Fresh water
B.  Hard water
C.  Pollutants in water
D.  Drinking water

7.    What are the sources of water pollution?

A.  Forest

B.  Lake water
C.  Acid rain
D.  Sea water

8.    What effects of water pollution on human body

A.  Good health
B.  Poor health
C.  Causes diseases
D.  No effect

9.    What is soil pollution?

A.  Pollutants in soil
B.  Unfertile land
C.  Deserts
D.  Fertile land

10.  What effect of soil pollution?

A.  Increasing fertility
B.  No effects
C.  Good cropping
D.  infertility

Answers-1 B 2-A 3- C 4-C5-B 6-C 7-C 8-C 9-A 10-D