Wednesday, August 15, 2012


My tree friend  name is Devdar . I am a teacher in govt. school of uttarakhand ..  every year in our schools we take a plantation activity  , but this plantation is  a palantation formality  . we says our students bring  plants with them when they  are  coming to  school.  They just bring a naturally grown plant from the way from where they are coming . then they plant it at school . I observed that they never grow. The climate of school is xerofitic So  I think we are planting or destroying  the naturelly grown plants?this is common in most of our schools in uttarakhand .So   I talk to my principal to plant some devdar trees in school campus . I purchased   some  plants  from a nursury &bring them in my scooter .I & our students  planted them in school campus. Now at present two plants are survived as trees, when I saw them I become happy & I feel  pleseant .  


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