Thursday, May 5, 2011


All this is That
om  Jai Golu dev my Ista devata as my Guru.
This is That , That is this, from That this comes out.
Taking away this from that, That still remains behind so All this is That.
The lord is the upholder of this universe. He is full of bliss ,consists of eternal & non eternals. The body of Lord is of wisdom, His happiness is Full(perfect).
Vedic chant 
Om Poornmadh ,Poornmidhm………… poornmewowshishyete. explains This:
The lord ,though one , has two aspects one as Atma and the other as antaratma.The lord expriences all the good fruits of karma & not the evil.He is like the cool shade for holy pligrim &he is like burning sun to the sinner.
 The Lord Himself takes up His ressidence in the heart of human body along with the Amta(self). He is the Antaratma(innerself) dwells witiin all beings .He is responsible for all the creation ,distruction &wisdom etc.The Lord is this All. He &His activities are one and not different from Him(The Lord). he who knows Him thus gladly unloosens the bond of Prakriti(ignorance).
The Lord is Great . he who know the highest Lord, becomes great , such as gets something of greatness of the Lord.Lord is the only target to know .Becoming free from darkness(Avidya ) one can attain the highest similarity with the Lord but he does not become highest in the sense of God ,The Lord .he who wants to understand the reality should enter himself, as the arrow enters the target. Realising the Greatness , a person crossover the sea of sorrow and sin. Thus becomes free from the bond of prakriti (ingnorance). he dwells in the presence of the Lord and is seprate from Him.he do not lose his identity in Him nor become one with Him in the Advaita sense.

All religions have one thing is same, that is the basic body of Truth. It is not a matter what you believe or your faith. But the common thing is the Truth in all religions. Where as, the concern of, Vedic religion, it is a religious endeavor, to spiritual illumination. The basic body of truth is called Veda in India .Vedas are the knowledge of truth. The Sanskrit word Ved means knowledge the wisdom to understand the Devine reality.

 What is that one science, one substance by knowing which , everything else is known? Does there exist any science from whose principles, the principles from all other science can deduced? The answer to that is “yes there exists such a science. It is the science of the syllable- Aksara vidhya , as distinguished from the science of the words” .All sciences like the physical ,theological ,spiritual ,occult are summed up in the science of the syllable .the science of the Imperishable Aksara vidhya. But this science is not contained in a particular book. For attaining this, one have to know the vidhya. The science is called vidhya. There are fourteen sources of  vidhya’s,  such as Vedas,the itihasa,purans ,six vedanges,the smrites,mimamsa……..etc.The vidhya have two sciences one is lower science, apara (exoteric ) vidhya & the second is higher  science , para (esoteric) Vidhya. The wise tranquil in heart see the Imperishable as the source of all beings & know Him to be invisible , without genus, caste, species, without eyes and ears without hands and feet eternal, all powerful all pervading ,entering in all, extremely subtle, unchanging cause of all beings.

Akshar vidhya, the science of imperishable by which one can find the super consciousness within him and realizes the inner self. Akshar or aksara is a Sanskrit word, simply means syllable or letter but literally it means imperishable, which never ends ,even when the whole world will go to end . Thus Akshar does not mean the syllable or letter but denotes imperishable & it is beyond the three times present, past &future. Thus the science of Imperishable is that one science “Akshar vidhya ‘’, which will not end and remain as such.
Akshar which is distinguished from syllable or word is the root of everything what we see & imagine in this universe or beyond universe. Akshar vidhya  simply means  the science of syllable, but it is beyond the science of syllable .Akshar vidhya is a science of imperishable. It is a science which is the base of all different methods &techniques developed by rishies (seers) yogis (monks) to realize the super consciousness “The Lord”within their self. The secret of this vidhya is to learn, how to inter into spirit, a field not much known to edify.
What you think, what you do, becomes as such. If you know the mind you may know the one science, after knowing that science you can know the lord. The Supreme, the self whatever you say God or Supreme spirit. The God or Lord lives in the mind, his body is mind but the mind doesn’t know him because he controls the mind by knowing the mind we know the inner controller which is immortal, imperishable. On this Earth many people have not faith in the existence of God but nobody can say or disbelieve in the existence of power or energy. This power or energy is the only target of spiritual seeker it is not a question of existence of God but the essential thing is to transform man through its power or enlightment. To understand the mind we have to meditate, true meditation the mind penetrated into self. In older times Rishies & Yogies made their minds quiet and serine through many techniques developed by them to realize the self and its power. A quiet, tranquil and peaceful mind can experience the joy of self, individualism & realize the blissful experience of NIRVANA. This is understood as AKSHAR VIDHYA. Akshars which are distinguished from syllable or words creates our thoughts, and thoughts create our feelings, one can experience the power of thoughts very easily. The mind is the organ of perception and goes towards wished for objects. Who gives the mind the power of thinking? No one knows him fully and completely in all his aspects and attributes without true meditation or akshara yog.The mind can be controlled through the control of senses the thought can be seen in its origin only when one can realize the self by turning the current of senses inwards from which the knowledge of self is acquired. 

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