Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Bridging the digital divide

28th February-Monday (a very stimulating day)
Today the team visited GIC Bhagtola. In Bhagtola, in a small gathering of all the teachers and about 30 students, the principal spoke about the MN project. He congratulated the team and the students for their efforts.  Teachers, who has shown active interest in the project congratulated the team and mentioned repeatedly that this project has been an effort towards bridging the digital divide and had been successful to a great extent. He agreed that the students proficiency with technology has enhanced manifold so has their level of awareness. Other teachers and the principal also pointed out that students’ confidence level has also enhanced. Few of the students were also asked to speak. Kailash, Pankaj and Suraj pointed out that the project has broaden their horizon and given them a whole new vision.

The teachers were also extremely happy to hear that Students’ website for Bhagtola has been uploaded and running. The teachers informed us that they have been trying to prepare a school website and upload the same in hindi, for along time- but they were unable to so. They were extremely enthusiastic about the website and said that now they will concentrate on updating the site and adding more content to the site.

The teachers also informed the team that they are seriously thinking of ways of continuing the project in schools. They believe that the mapping component should be tied with environment study or computers etc and continued in school. They also pointed out that they are depending on the senior students (those students who have already been trained) to continue training of the juniors.

The team also demonstrated to the teachers, how raw data can be downloaded from PDA to desktop computer and the basics of processing raw data on the desktop. JT Maps was loaded one PC in the school. The teachers requested the team to give them more detailed training

After the programme, the team discussed with the student’s on various issues. The students submitted a brief history of village Bhagtola, which included the origin of the village, the main occupation of the villagers when the first settled down and chronological order of development in the village. Students from village Darimkhola were asked to do a similar exercise for their village. the students also submitted a book of repository of flora. The students had collected samples (leaves) of about 20 different plant/trees found in and around the villages. Along with a sample leaf (of each flora) they wrote few points on the common usages of each of these species.

At the end on the session, the teachers and the students were given feedback forms that needed to be filled and submitted in the next session. The students were given feedback forms for their parents. The students’ feedback form would be given in the next session.

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